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(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2024/10/6 浏览:3 次 )

专辑中文名: 我的碟
专辑英文名: The Sheffield-A2TB Test Disc: 'My Disc'
艺术家: 喇叭花唱片
发行时间: 1994年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
资源格式: WAV
       在美国Sheffieldlab公司出品的《我的碟》(MyDisc》,the Sheffield/A2TB TestDisc)的封面上,制作人写着:“一张评估音响器材、听音环境及听音能力的测试碟”。的确,这是一张音响发烧友不可缺少的用于进行全面音响测试的工具碟。这张光碟包括音乐测试和技术测试。音乐测试部分选择了几种音乐式样,这样几乎每个人都可找到一种音乐形式来适合个人的口味。技术测试部分录制了各种测试方法及测试信号,这样会排除很多变量对音响系统全面表现所带来的影响。这张测试软件包括了一些特殊信道,使你在使用或者不使用专业测试设备的情况下都能分析音响系统的表现.个别信道只能在使用专业测试设备时使用,这几个信道用一个手形符号标出。即使你有专业测试设备,但你可能并不总是随身携带着,例如当你在一位朋友家评估一套音响系统的时候,或在试音室里试听一套音响的时候。无论你是一个音响发烧友还是一位音响专家,《我的光碟》都将是你最有用的软件。为了说明这张碟的一些效果,制作人不得不在一些音乐信道中演示特殊方法。前六个信道是从原版中直接数码输出。这些信号的用意是既有参考性又有一般性的听音评估。
01 The Power Of Seven / Stranger In My Bed 03:49
02 Thelma Houston / Dish Rag 03:34
03 Los Angeles Philharmonic / Dance Of The Knights - Prokofiev02:09
04 Adam Makowicz With Phil Woods / Dirty Blue 03:41
05 Michael Ruff / Wishing Well 05:35
06 Lincoln Mayorga & Distinguished Colleagues / Lincoln Mayorga& Distinguished Colleagues - Vol. III -
Dock Of The Bay 02:48
07 1 Khz Sinewave At -20 Dbfs 01:03
08 1 Khz Sinewave At 0 Dbfs 01:03
09 20 Hz One Octive Warble 00:04
10 62 Hz One Octive Warble 00:04
11 125 Hz One Octive Warble 00:04
12 250 Hz One Octive Warble 00:04
13 500 Hz One Octive Warble 00:04
14 2.5 Khz One Octive Warble 00:04
15 5 Khz One Octive Warble 00:04
16 10 Khz One Octive Warble 00:04
17 15 Khz One Octive Warble 00:04
18 19 Khz One Octive Warble 00:06
19 Person Counting From 1 To 25 00:43
20 Right Channel Identification 00:05
21 Left Channel Identification 00:06
22 Relative Polarity Between Left & Right Channels 00:13
23 Polarity Pulses 00:58
24 1 Khz Sinewave With Bottom Half Clipped 01:03
25 3 People Describing Position On Sound Stage In Stereo00:32
26 Same As Except Talking Simultaneously 00:14
27 Music For Evaluating Accuracy And Focus Of Sound Stage In Stereo00:11
28 Same As Except In Mono (L + R) 00:10
29 Same As Except Sent To Left Channel Only 00:09
30 Same As Center 00:10
31 Same As Except Sent To Right Channel Only 00:09
32 Same As Center 00:17
33 Music Recorded With Normal Transfer Level Of 0 Db 00:45
34 Music Recorded Withl Transfer Level Of -10 Db 00:45
35 Music Recorded Withl Transfer Level Of -20 Db 00:45
36 Music Recorded Withl Transfer Level Of -30 Db 00:45
37 Music Recorded Withl Transfer Level Of -40 Db 00:45
38 Music Recorded Withl Transfer Level Of -50 Db 00:45
39 Music Recorded Withl Transfer Level Of -60 Db 00:45
40 Music Recorded Withl Transfer Level Of -70 Db 00:42
41 Recording Of Digital Black Or 0 Bits 01:00
42 High Frequency Low Level Alternating Between 0000 & Ffff00:35
43 She Disc" / Correlated Pink Noise 20 Hz To 20 Khz 01:03
44 Uncorrelated Pink Noise 20 Hz To 20 Khz 02:01
45 Pink Noise Raised In 1 Db Steps Every 3 Seconds 00:23
46 Pink Noise Raised In 3 Db Steps 4 Times 00:15
47 1-3 Octive Pink Noise At 25 - 31.5 - 40 Hz 00:31
48 1-3 Octive Pink Noise At 50 - 63 - 80 Hz 00:29
49 1-3 Octive Pink Noise At 100 - 125 - 160 Hz 00:29
50 1-3 Octive Pink Noise At 200 - 250 - 315 Hz 00:30
51 1-3 Octive Pink Noise At 400 - 500 - 630 Hz 00:29
52 1-3 Octive Pink Noise At 800 Hz - 1 - 1.2 Khz 00:30
53 1-3 Octive Pink Noise At 1.6 - 2 - 2.5 Khz 00:29
54 1-3 Octive Pink Noise At 3.15 - 4 - 5 Khz 00:30
55 1-3 Octive Pink Noise At 6.3 - 8 - 10 Khz 00:29
56 1-3 Octive Pink Noise At 12.5 - 16 - 20 Khz 00:32
57 20 Hz To 20 Khz Continuous Warble 00:37
58 100 Hz To 20 Hz Warble For Subwoofer Evaluation 00:40
59 Individual Frequencies From 10 Hz To 99 Hz 07:33
60 Flat Low Distortion Sweep From 20 - 200 Hz 00:24
61 Flat Low Distortion Sweep From 200 Hz - 2 Khz 00:16
62 Flat Low Distortion Sweep From 2 - 20 Khz 00:19
63 Contains The Musical Note A (440 Hz) 00:33
64 100 Hz Tone Burst With Duty Cycle Of 25% 01:04
65 Same As Except At 1 Khz 01:04
66 Same As Except At 10 Khz 01:04
67 100 Hz Square Wave 00:33
68 Same As Except At 1 Khz 00:33
69 Full Dynamics Of The Original Recording 01:03
70 Compressed Version Of With Same Peak Level 01:03
71 Tone With 0.03% Distortion 00:13
72 Same As , Except With 0.1% Distortion 00:13
73 Same As , Except With 0.3% Distortion 00:13
74 Same As , Except With 1% Distortion 00:13
75 Same As , Except With 3% Distortion 00:13
76 Same As , Except With 10% Distortion 00:13
77 Music With Distortion Of About 0.03% 00:33
78 Same As , Except With 0.1% Distortion 00:33
79 Same As , Except With 0.3% Distortion 00:33
80 Same As , Except With 1% Distortion 00:33
81 Same As , Except With 3% Distortion 00:33
82 Same As , Except With 10% Distortion 00:33
83 Musical Selection With No Added Delay 01:44
84 Same As With 7 Ms Of Group Delay Below 100 Hz 01:44
85 Standing Between Penske\'s Pits And Main Straightaway00:38
86 Short Walk Down Pit Row Of Race Car 02:31

喇叭花 我的碟 “My Disc”[WAV整轨].zip: https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-241567316-012129?p=559675(访问密码: 559675)

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