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(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2024/10/2 浏览:3 次 )


1 陈永淘 山下田美





2 Henry Mancini《Hatari!》

由约翰恩率领的一群美国猎人跑到非洲大草原捕猎各式动物,以贩卖给动物园。Special Collection Volume200 is neat milestone! World premiere release of actual HenryMancini soundtrack to terrific Howard Hawks adventure film set inAfrica, starring John Wayne, Elsa Martinelli, Red Buttons. Wayneand company capture rare animals for various world zoos. Somespecies are easier to catch than others. Elephants inspire Mancinito create legendary tune "Baby Elephant Walk", available for firsttime ever in its original soundtrack guise. Famous swaggering tunefor high register Eb clarinet also figures during climactic "SearchFor Dallas". Leopard, buffalo, monkey, giraffe, ostrich all gettheir say but incredibly dangerous rhino sequences are what bringout Mancini's equally legendary main theme, often heard on choir ofFrench horns in unison. In 1962, Mancini re-recorded just 30minutes of highlights for admittedly sensational RCA album. Incompanionship with that album, now enjoy Mancini's completeoriginal recordings, presented mostly in stereo from ParamountPictures scoring session elements. A few sections required use ofmono stems to allow restoration of complete soundtrack. This newhour long release carries landmark significance: every Mancinialbum during this most famous period of his career (Breakfast AtTiffany's, Hatari, Charade, Experiment In Terror, The Pink Panther)was heavily truncated and completely re-arranged with emphasis ondance mood. Along with new release of Charade, this marks excitingdebut of an actual Mancini soundtrack from the era! Danger,romance, thrills, comedy, all getting rich Mancini melody!Unforgettable original campaign artwork is icing on the cake. HenryMancini conducts. Available while quantities and interestremain.



意大利裔的 Henry Mancini, 原名Enrico Nicola Mancini, 8岁开始学吹长笛, 12岁开始习琴. 高中毕业后便考进著名的 Juilliard School of Music. 入学约一年多后即1943年便被征召入伍,参与二次大战. 战后加入重新组成的 Glenn Miller Orchestra 为钢琴手和编曲人. 1952年加盟Universal Pictures 开始参与电影音乐的创作. 生前共参与过百部电视/电影音乐的创作.他最有名的三个代表作应该是:(Pink Panther) , (Breakfast at Tiffany),(Hatari),这些电影远比 Herrmann 的恐怖片和 Rozsa 的历史片有亲和力。

由Sean Mercer领导的一班猎兽团﹐专门在非洲捕捉野生动物﹐售给世界各地动物园﹐不过他们从不使用刀枪﹐却使用绳索及围困的方法﹐为免伤害到牠们。某天当他们捕捉一头犀牛的时候﹐其中一位名为Indian的队员受伤了﹐需要一种特别的血型来输血﹐众人担心不已﹐幸好Chips在﹐不过这名陌生人要求在猎兽团中得到一份工作。另一方面﹐这晚突然来了一位女士﹐名为AnnaMaria﹐她是买家派来的一位摄影师﹐要求在捕猎时拍摄过程﹐Sean大吃一惊﹐因为他一直以为那人是一位男生﹐于是这个由一位少女Brandy继承父业经营﹑本来很有默契﹑犹如一家人的工作团队﹐一下子产生了变化。

长达157分钟的Hatari﹐其实剧情不多﹐不过在猎捕犀牛﹑长颈鹿﹑鳄鱼及霍马的时候﹐实在为平淡的剧情带来快速的节奏感﹐另外还有小象﹑花豹﹑驼鸟﹑小鹿﹑猴子等动物登场﹐令人大开眼界﹐更带来很野外的感觉。看这电影时﹐并实很有看60年代剧集的Feel﹐因为发生的都是些鸡毛蒜皮的锁事。至于Hatari则为东非Swahili 语﹐即危险的意思。 


意大利裔的 Henry Mancini, 原名Enrico Nicola Mancini, 8岁开始学吹长笛, 12岁开始习琴. 高中毕业后便考进著名的 Juilliard School of Music. 入学约一年多后即1943年便被征召入伍,参与二次大战. 战后加入重新组成的 Glenn Miller Orchestra 为钢琴手和编曲人. 1952年加盟Universal Pictures 开始参与电影音乐的创作. 生前共参与过百部电视/电影音乐的创作.他最有名的三个代表作应该是:(Pink Panther) , (Breakfast at Tiffany),(Hatari),这些电影远比 Herrmann 的恐怖片和 Rozsa 的历史片有亲和力。

由Sean Mercer领导的一班猎兽团﹐专门在非洲捕捉野生动物﹐售给世界各地动物园﹐不过他们从不使用刀枪﹐却使用绳索及围困的方法﹐为免伤害到牠们。某天当他们捕捉一头犀牛的时候﹐其中一位名为Indian的队员受伤了﹐需要一种特别的血型来输血﹐众人担心不已﹐幸好Chips在﹐不过这名陌生人要求在猎兽团中得到一份工作。另一方面﹐这晚突然来了一位女士﹐名为AnnaMaria﹐她是买家派来的一位摄影师﹐要求在捕猎时拍摄过程﹐Sean大吃一惊﹐因为他一直以为那人是一位男生﹐于是这个由一位少女Brandy继承父业经营﹑本来很有默契﹑犹如一家人的工作团队﹐一下子产生了变化。

长达157分钟的Hatari﹐其实剧情不多﹐不过在猎捕犀牛﹑长颈鹿﹑鳄鱼及霍马的时候﹐实在为平淡的剧情带来快速的节奏感﹐另外还有小象﹑花豹﹑驼鸟﹑小鹿﹑猴子等动物登场﹐令人大开眼界﹐更带来很野外的感觉。看这电影时﹐并实很有看60年代剧集的Feel﹐因为发生的都是些鸡毛蒜皮的锁事。至于Hatari则为东非Swahili 语﹐即危险的意思。

4 兰蒂.泰婷薇格Randi Tytingvaag Paper Tiger

 In an interviewfor Norwegian daily Aftenbladet, Tytingv?g aptly summarised herconcept for Grounding as follows: 'We reduced everything to itsessence, while staying true to the origins of the songs. We triedto avoid any unnecessary embellishments. More than ever, my voiceand my stories are at the heart of the pieces.' There is nothingegocentric about this gesture, which she has instead described asbeing driven by humility - significantly, the album's opener is atrack playfully dealing with her own 'extreme impatience'. And yet,hiding behind a surface of both airiness and melancholy, there areplenty of serious topics as well. On tracks like 'Paper Tiger','Your Way', 'Starbuck' and "Future Song", the Stavanger-born artistis embarking on a quest for truthfulness and honesty inrelationships, for fighting current and future fears together. Thecombination of compelling narratives and immediately catchymelodies is uniquely her own and reminiscent of the unique ambianceof her live appearances, in which diverse moods combine into adeep, colourful stream of sound. And it is always complemented bythe duality of her voice, sounding strong and fragile at the sametime. 

? Tender and subtle songs like "Your Way", "All That Is NotFree" and "Relay" are juxtaposed by elegant pieces like 'Inside' aswell as Americana-tinged 'Tytingvag'. Produced by P?l Hausken andrecorded in August 2011 on the island Giske outside of Alesund inthe Ocean Sound studio, Grounding has turned into a work of changeand diversity - which feels instantly recognisable andatmospherically dense nonetheless. Randi Tytingv?g truly has foundher grounding - she is aware of her roots and deeply influenced bythe people and nature surroundingher. 

Linn Records:http://www.linnrecords.com/recording-grounding.aspx

By ANTHONY SHAW, Published: July 1,2012 

? Just like Jenny Lind and even Abba's Frida Lyngstad, RandiTytingv?g is one of the latest of a long line of Scandinavianfemale singers who have adapted their innate skills to appeal to amarket far beyond their native shores. And that is not to mentionNorway's clutch of other successful young female jazz singersRebekka Bakken, Hanne Hukkelberg, and their acclaimed colleagueSilje Nergaard.

? Tytingv?g is a singer who is as capable behind a pen as sheis behind a microphone, and Grounding is yet another collection ofcatchy, self-penned songs. This time though, she is backed by acollection of musicians more familiar with a rock idiom than on herprevious more traditional, crossover album, Let Go (Ozella,2006).

? Guitarist Ivar Grydeland brings his experience as a purveyorof wide, electronic instrumental vistas (as with his principleband, Huntsville), and constructs them here with overlaid guitarand banjo tracks, while Tytingv?g slips her often plaintive,questioning tales of love and loss in between echoing guitar breakson the acoustic "All that is not free," the opening "Impatience"and the echoing "Starbuck." The songs here are a selection ofneatly turned stanzas sung in her clear, fairy-tale voice, tendingto follow a regular structure of a repeated kernel chorusinterspersed with solo breaks. The selection of eleven tracksconstitutes a pleasantly rounded album and with sufficient airplayeach could truly become popular.

? This crystal clear recording offers a glimpse of the richlive performances Tytingv?g must offer when supported by hertalented musicians. 


? Randi Tytingv?g: vocals

? Ivar Grydeland: electric guitar, 12-string guitar, acousticguitar, reso-phonic guitar, lap steel guitar, pedal steel guitar,banjo and piano

? Jo Berger Myhre: bass guitar, baritone guitar, acousticguitar, double bass, synthesizer and piano

? P?l Hausken: drums, percussion and backingvocals. 



轻柔、稳重、温暖而抒情,AllanTaylor低沉醇厚的歌声与优雅纯熟的吉他技巧,搭配其它优秀乐手的简单乐器伴奏,特别适合夜深人静的时候轻松欣赏。录音精致、清澈而透明。60年代就已红遍英国民谣乐坛的AllanTaylor,以吉他和民谣风征服了英国及爱尔兰,他的乐风影响了Dire Straitv、FairportConvention、Steeleye Span等民谣摇滚巨将,他在乐坛的地位是无庸置疑的。

神似Mark Knofler的低沉醇厚的嗓音、深受Jack Kerouac影响充满BeatGeneration风格的诗意歌词、耐听优美的曲调,与稳健幽雅的吉他演奏,这些特色造就了AllanTaylor独特的魅力。也给现在忙碌的人们一种放松的空间,像是一个吉普赛人将旅途中的风带给遇到他的朋友,他会带着你的希望继续行走。

《Colour TO TheMoon》发行于2000年,大部分歌曲都是他在一次名为"记忆之旅"的巴黎演唱会旅途中完成的。《BrightonBay》是回忆他17岁时开始演唱生涯的英国度假海滩布莱顿,《BackAgain》则是他1976年旧作重新编曲演唱。这些歌曲在时间与空间中尽情悠游,像是阅读一本精彩的回忆录。当然标题歌曲《Colourto the moon》有萨克斯风的画龙点睛,绝对是不可错过。录音采用包括B&W Nautilus801喇叭在内的种种精品,道尽了Stockfish这家唱片公司对录音品质的坚持。Stockfish专精于推广吉他音乐,因此对于空心吉他的录音可说驾轻就熟。这张唱片的吉他录制都充满了柔软弹性与充满金属光泽的美感,于充满空间中的残影。当然,AllanTaylor低沉舒缓的嗓音更仿佛有按摩作用,聆听这张专辑,可随着他的歌声进入一段又一段的旅途。

苏菲.穆特 《Carmen-Fantasie 卡门幻想曲》


Gene Ammons - Boss Tenor

Gene Ammons是为次中音萨克斯风的好手,擅长的风格是bop和souljazz,出生於风城芝加哥,他将芝加哥的蓝调带入bop和soul jazz。 父亲AlbertAmmons是一位Boogie-Woogie的钢琴好手,他对Gene Ammons的音乐教育影响很大。1943年时加入KingKolax所领导的乐队演奏,后来转到歌手Billy Eckstine的乐队,是乐队里萨克斯风的要角。1950年与萨克斯风手SonnyStitt组织乐队(1950-52年),他们的双萨克斯风很受欢迎,Gene Ammons很擅长於双萨克斯风的组合,他也曾与SonnyRollins做双萨克斯风的专辑。 1958年因吸毒的关係而入狱,在狱中仍继续创作,狱方的通融还让他完成专辑The BigSound,这是一张非常出色的专辑。出狱之后的60年代是GeneAmmons创作丰富的一段时间,但他还是因毒品问题再次入狱,中间断断续续有作品推出,直到1969年才出狱。




上世纪七十年代曾经名噪一时的RoxyMusic乐队诞生了两位对流行乐坛具有长久影响的人物,一位是环境音乐大师、实验摇滚乐的开拓者Brian Eno,而另一位则是BryanFerry。Ferry是RoxyMusic的创建者、主唱歌手、歌曲作者和核心人物。他的许多个人作品都流露出怀旧气氛,精致细腻的音乐编排渲染出一种奇异的浪漫,令人置身于迷幻境界中。


      BRYANFERRY 于1945年9月26日出生在英国达勒拇郡的华盛顿,是个煤矿工人的儿子。71年BRYAN FERRY 和 BRYAN ENO组建了ROXYMUSIC。早期他比较喜欢翻唱别人的作品,并以其独特的演唱表达出他对众多流行歌曲的理解。乐队大部分歌曲都是FERRY写的,ENO主要负责配器。73年 ENO 与 FERRY 在乐队发展方向意见不合而离开乐队。自此,ROXY MUSIC 成了FERRY的天下。同年,FERRY也推出自己个人的第一张专辑 THESE FOOLISH THINGS。很多 FERRY出的CD,封面和内页都是性感迷人的美女。FERRY的歌,也极受女FANS的支持。因为他总以出色的编曲和诱人的声线营造出一种浪漫,迷茫的梦幻气氛。

Bryan Ferry(布莱恩费瑞)生于1945年9月26日。一位英国摇滚歌手,音乐家,作曲家和演员。他是前华丽摇滚乐团Glam Rock的始祖乐团RoxyMusic的主唱。横跨了70、80年代,以其翩翩绅士气质与深情嗓音,随着RoxyMusic的窜红,开始着手进行个人演唱生涯的录制工作。单飞初期,BryanFerry以翻唱其他歌手的著名曲目为主,接下来他开始拓展歌曲范围与树立个人风格,于是步上了创作歌手之路。在2001年,曾获格莱美奖提名。 


Winifred Horan

Win Horan website

is an American fiddler of Irish descent. After classicaltraining, she played with the all-female Celtic music ensembleCherish the Ladies before becoming an original member[1][2] of theIrish traditional musicgroup Solas.[3]

Horan was born in New York City, New York[4] to Irishparents[5] and studied piano (taught by her father, a carpenter andmusician)[6] and Irish fiddle playing at a young age.[7] Sheattended and graduated from the New England Conservatory[8] inBoston, Massachusetts, where she studied classical violin,[7][9]and theAspen Music Festival and School in Aspen, Colorado.[5] Sheplayed with multiple orchestras, including the Boston PopsOrchestra, and string quartets, before joining the all-femaleCeltic music ensemble Cherish the Ladies in 1990.[7] Sheco-founded[2][10][11] Solas in 1994,[12] and is on fiddle andbacking vocals.[8][13]On her participation in Solas and, inparticular, touring with the group, Horan expressed in a 2008interview: “Traveling the world with Solas has been one of the bestthings about being in the band.”[12]

Outside of her work with Solas, Horan was a member of andtoured with The Sharon Shannon Band,[8] and also performed withIrish singer-songwriter Pierce Turner.[7] She was “featuredfiddler” on When Juniper Sleeps, a 1996 solo album by Séamus Egan,and co-writer of certain tracks for the 1995 film The BrothersMcMullen.[7] She is, as of 2004, a nine-time champion Irishstepdancer and an All-Ireland fiddle champion,[14][15] having wonan All-Ireland Junior Championship at age eleven.[7] In a December2001 interview, Horan identified Liz Carroll, Egan, and SharonShannon as her top musical influences.[6]

Horan released her first solo album, Just One Wish, in October2002 on Shanachie Records.[7][16] In 2006, she and fellow Solasmember Mick McAuley, anaccordionist, released Serenade on CompassRecords,[17] with covers of “After the Gold Rush” by Neil Young and“Make You Feel My Love” by Bob Dylan.[18]Siobhán Long, writing forThe Irish Times, listed Serenade as fifth on her list of top fiveIrish traditional music albums released in 2006.[17] Horan composedtwo of the album’s tracks: “Little Mona Lisa” and “A Daisy inDecember”,[19] which was featured during the third season of theAmerican reality television competitive dance series So You ThinkYou Can Dance.[20]

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700爵士萨克斯ScottHamilton 《伟大的爵士三重奏》

史考特汉米顿,一位永远的萨克斯风天王,浪漫风情的完美代言人 1945年出于美国罗德岛普洛维敦士(September 12,Providence,RI.),被誉为萨克斯风天王的史考特汉米顿,在父亲的影响下,对’30、’40年代的摇摆爵士风产生了特殊的情感;其音乐生涯始于16岁,领悟力极高的他从许多摇摆爵士年代的音乐大师中吸收了许多技巧精华,奠定深厚基础。’76年前往人人嚮往的爵士圣地纽约发展,吸引众人目光更引起无数的话题风潮。自此汉米顿的知名度也跟着水涨船高,而其中音萨克斯风(TenorSaxophone)的演奏功力当然也更臻成熟。从他演奏所流泄出的迷人音色,总是能带来无限的遐想空间,有种无可匹敌的特有魅力,鲜明的个人风格也随之建立。’70年代晚期,汉米顿与班尼古德曼(BennyGoodman)等大师合作,也和美国爵士天后萝丝玛丽有了长期的合作关係,在她于ConcordJazz所出的专辑中展现出一次比一次精彩的完美演出。于是乎在爵士乐坛,汉米顿被喻为是完美的中音萨克斯风代表声音(The PerfectMainstream Tenor Sound)。汉米顿在爵士第一品牌Concord下,录製了数十张专辑。独奏功力一流的他,自然也成为众多爵士艺人最佳的合作对象,HerbEllis、Ray Brown、Gerry Mulliga、Gene Harris、AlanBroadbent和Concord众多巨星等都曾和汉米顿迸发出超乎想像的音乐火花…无疑地,他绝对是爵士乐坛上的萨克斯风天王!更是爵士乐迷心中无可取代的TenorSound!


01.  陈永淘脚踏黄泥.mp3



群星《发烧唱片精选VOL.070》WAV整轨.zip: https://n802.com/f/9388027-498558293-6f7cef (访问密码:559675)


